Health, Wellness, and... Cornhole?

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Hey there, Michelle here...

There are a million and one ways to get healthy and traditionally they look and sound about the same… but is it possible playing a backyard game like cornhole could actually improve your health?

I say it can and here’s why…

The body works most efficiently (metabolism, digestion, etc) when it’s in an ideal state. 

Think about the difference when someone is doing nothing positive for their bodies versus following some type of health protocol.

The body is practically doing backflips in excitement because it’s finally feeling it’s best so it can perform it’s best. 

The secret though… is that achieving that ideal state inside of the body can be done millions of ways. 

And the changes we have to make in our daily habits are simpler than we’d think. 

And playing a fun game like Cornhole can help with this. 

Next, we look at how the mind influences our health.

Specifically the emotional vitamins we need to thrive. 

Our minds heavily influence our bodies so we definitely don’t want to ignore what’s happening here. 

Let’s look at 3 vitamins we need:

  • Vitamin P: Passion & Pleasure
  • Vitamin F: Fun & Freedom
  • Vitamin C: Connection & Community

As you can see these vitamins don’t come from food.  They come from our lifestyle.

And yes, Cornhole checks all those boxes. 

Lastly, we look at the nervous system. The nervous system heavily influences the body systems. 

We want to get out of the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) as much as possible. And step into the para-sympathetic (rest & digest) whenever we can. 

Cornhole, you guessed it, is a way we can do just that. 

I break down how all of this works in a short presentation you can access instantly.

There’s no cost to watch so there’s nothing to lose. Click below to get started! 

How it Works

Understand How The Body Works

Throw out everything you thought you knew about how the body works. Calories only tell a small percentage of the story. Fortunately we have something else at our disposal that works even better, and cornhole helps you get it.

The Other Vitamins You Can't Get From Food

Health experts focus on food and exercise to help you achieve your health and wellness goals but there are a ton of other vitamins we need as humans that don't come from food. When we combine everything together we get powerful results.

The Nervous System

Optimal metabolism doesn't just come from genetics or age, it comes from the state of the nervous system. When we are in a "rest and digest" state our body can optimally digest and metabolize food. Cornhole can help us achieve our optimal state. Combine this with our other steps and we achieve our optimal health & wellness.

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