What is compulsive dieting and why is it so dangerous?
Oct 17, 2023
One way that our disconnection with our body shows up is through compulsive dieting. It’s an extreme way to control ourselves in an attempt to force an outcome to happen in an unnatural way. It doesn’t mean the outcome isn’t possible or natural, just the way we’re doing it.
Compulsive dieting is rooted in morality. We’re good and we’re bad. We’re on or off track. We’re cheating or we’re following rules.
We do it because we tell ourselves it’s temporary. We convince ourselves that we can endure the sacrifice of the diet to get the result and then we can return to something healthier once we are lighter or smaller. But the damage during dieting is extreme.
It decreases metabolism…
Increases stress…
Increase inflammation…
Leads to weight gain…
Lowering our calories or macronutrients puts our body into a survival or fight or flight state. It canabalizes for a while and then it stops everything. And we are sold a lie that we have plateaued.
What we really want is more nourishment and a deeper connection to ourselves/body. And we do this by doing the plan we have in our mind for when we are lighter or smaller. We all have this idea of taking care of ourselves after dieting. Just eating a balance of high quality food and moving in ways we love.
We just don’t believe this will get us to our goal. But it’s the only way to live the life we truly want in a body we love.
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