Want everything you could ever want from dieting and more? Do this instead...

Oct 03, 2023

I don’t just teach cornhole players how to get in their bodies to succeed at cornhole. I also have spent the past 15 years helping people get in their bodies to be the healthiest, happiest versions of themselves. Want everything you could ever want from dieting and more? Do this instead:


  • Eat regular, rhythmic meals so your body knows it will always be fed. The schedule in which you eat will be specific to your body, but your body does have one. It doesn’t have to look like mine or anyone else's. But it does need to feel reliable and nurturing.


  • Eat all types of food without depriving or restricting. It’s important to eat all types of food that work for your body. There is no magic blueprint of food that creates long-term success. Only the one that your body craves. Take the time to figure out what that is.


  • Eat with awareness, slowness, and full enjoyment of eating experiences. The only way to truly feel full is to follow these key guidelines when eating. Enjoy eating. It’s natural. It’s supposed to happen. It’s supposed to feel good and nourishing. Allow that to happen by giving it time and space.


  • Throw your scale away… forever. There’s no need for a scale, ever. If you feel heavier or lighter that is enough. If you’re living on auto-pilot and think you need a scale for a reality check there are much healthier ways to get that same reality check. Grab pen and paper and ask yourself… How am I feeling? What do I need? Check in with yourself instead of a hunk of metal.


  • Focus on high quality food. This is not about nutrients by the way. It’s about how you experience the food and how it was prepared. Making Top Ramen? Great! Get excited about boiling that hot water. Pour it into your favorite bowl and maybe add some other ingredients that make you happy.


  • Exercise in a way that balances the body and fulfills your needs. Let movement be the thing you do to feel good without any attachment to productivity. Exercise is for you and your body, nobody else. Nobody has to know. There is no moral difference in what you do or how you do it. Just do it in the way that gets you excited to do it.


  • Call off the war with the body, food, and exercise. Create a full and creative life instead of worrying about a hard or light body. Make life about more than this physical suit you are wearing. Take care of it the best you can because it feels good, not to change its appearance. And then focus all your time on living an incredible life. It’s amazing how much lighter you will feel when you make this shift.


  • Be aware of exactly where you are and take care of yourself the same way you take care of your loved ones. The body responds to his more than any diet, exercise routine, or fat loss program.

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