Presence, Cornhole, & Honoring Our Capacity
May 30, 2023If you've been following along you'll notice my travel journey is getting more and more impacted. So much so that last month I got sick and missed an entire weekend in Fort Worth. What an important reminder to honor our capacity before we get taken down.
I do believe it's so important to honor what we can handle. It doesn't mean we can't do the things we love we just have to figure out how to make it all fit without sacrificing ourselves to do so. For me, that means scaling way back during the week to allow my packed weekends traveling to breathe a bit more.
What does that look like for you?
Often times cornhole events end late into the evening. Maybe check in to make sure that works for you or make any adjustments that make the rest of your life work knowing you will have late nights.
I also was reminded to really settle down into a place of presence. It's so easy to get swept up in what happened before and what's to come. This shows itself on and off the cornhole courts. It's easy to linger on a bad shot and worry about what we have to do to make up for that miss. We have to continually challenge ourselves to practice returning back to the now.
I've also been talking to cornhole players about our big why. Why do we devote so much of our lives to this game? And if you are sacrificing things to be better at this game, why is it worth it? Knowing our big why helps us stay motivated for the right reason and ignore the petty stuff or mind games.
These are lessons I go into depth about in my cornhole course 3 Steps to Getting Out of Your Head & Mastering The Mental Side of Cornhole which you can grab the first module of totally free over here. The entire course is only $30 and has really helped people get more into their bodies and perform better in high-pressure situations.
If you're wondering where I'll be this month here's the line-up:
- June 1st - 4th: Mesa, AZ
- June 8th - 12th: Portland, OR
- June 22nd - 24th: Ramsey, MN
- June 29th - July 3rd: Detroit, MI
Lots of broadcasts to take part in this month and looking forward to practice staying present and doing less during the week to honor my capacity for my travels. Hope to see some of you around!
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